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We are thrilled to present you the first episode of our new action series! This is a project that we have been working on for a long time, and we are excited to share it with you. You will witness amazing stunts, thrilling chases, and explosive action in this adrenaline-filled adventure. Join us as we introduce you to the characters, the plot, and the world of our series. We are proud to announce that NMS has won an award, has been officially selected for four festivals, and is a nominees and finalist in four additional ones.
This is a huge achievement for us, and we are grateful for your support. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it! 

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The story so far.

Sepiida is a survivor. She lost her team in a brutal ambush, but she didn't give up. She is using her skills and contacts to hunt down the ones who betrayed them. Along the way, she took on various jobs, from solving mysteries to infiltrating gangs, earning a reputation as a problem-solver in the criminal underworld. She never forgot her mission, though. She was determined to find justice for her fallen comrades, no matter the cost.

Take a Look

Poster Laurel Action Showcase Film Festival Official Selection Apr 24 small.jpg
NMS action small.jpg


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